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. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e83587. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083587

Table 3. Nutrient density constraints based on population structure weighted estimated average requirements (EARs), average intakes (AIs) and upper limits (ULs), and relative nutrient densities of Model A and B diets.

Nutrient Weighted1 EAR/1000 kJ2 or AI/1000 kJ Weighted UL/1000 KJ Nutrient density as a percent of target (%)
Baseline intake Model A Model B Model B (UL)
Linoleic (n-6) (g) 1.05 (AI) - 88.0 106.5 102.5 -
α-Linolenic (n-3) (g) 0.10 (AI) - 167.8 165.3 167.5 -
LC n-3 (mg) 10.71 (AI) 349.89 119.6 283.4 271.7 8.3
Protein (g) 3.83 - 198.3 263.9 262.0 -
Sodium (mg) - 224.54 150.7 146.2 148.9 148.9
Potassium (mg) 329.76 (AI) - 66.0 100.4 100.0
Iron (mg) 0.72 4.69 202.7 265.8 271.2 41.6
Zinc (mg) 0.76 3.31 126.4 176.4 177.1 40.8
Calcium (mg) 88.42 291.57 71.2 116.9 115.0 34.9
Magnesium (mg) 25.95 31.04 94.1 139.0 138.3 115.6
Phosphorus (mg) 70.56 426.0 175.3 252.1 249.6 41.3
Iodine (µg) 10.33 88.86 109.3 142.1 142.3 16.5
Riboflavin (mg) 0.09 167.5 330.7 328.9 -
Niacin (mg) 1.09 3.03 359.1 455.0 457.5 -
Total folate3 (µg) 30.65 85.91 168.2 260.0 212.4 75.8
Vitamin C (mg) 3.35 194.9 293.3 303.0 -
Vitamin A (µg) 52.26 248.99 115.0 237.7 241.3 50.6
Thiamine (mg) 0.09 185.3 291.8 299.0 -
Vitamin E (mg) 0.88 (AI) 25.14 66.1 106.8 102.6 3.6
Dietary fibre (g) 2.687 (AI) 73.7 111.0 113.5 -

1 Weighting is based on ABS Census 2006 figures.

2 Estimated energy requirements were calculated by age group and sex (1–3 years; 4–8 years; 9–13 years; 14–18 years; 19–30 years; 31–50 years; 51–70 years; >70 years) based on Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand, tables 13 [28]. For age 19 to >70 years, the midpoint height and weight of each adult age group was used. For <18 years, the midpoint of the estimated energy requirement (BMR) range across each age and sex category was used. Energy expenditure was estimated at 1.6 basal metabolic rate overall. We estimated 8% of women aged 14–50 years were pregnant and 8% were breastfeeding, based on Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 births data, table 9.2[54] and 2006 census data for women aged 13–54 years.

3 EAR and UL for Folate is derived from EAR for Folate as dietary folate equivalents.