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. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e84078. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084078

Table 1. Parliamentary influence on constituent referenda choices.

Identification: Number of referendaon the same day Identification: Low turnout referendum
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Years covered 1848–2009 1848–2009 1884–2009 1884–2009 1884–2009
Parliament suggests YES 1.7323***(0.2742) 1.7403***(0.2902) 1.7213***(0.2922) 2.4834***(0.1212) 2.5485***(0.1227)
Parliament suggests YES * Number of referenda on the same day 0.2641*** (0.0875) 0.3103*** (0.0963) 0.3068*** (0.0973)
Number of referenda on the same day −0.1950**(0.0777) −0.1793**(0.0827) −0.1832**(0.0843) 0.0574***(0.0107) 0.0748***(0.0143)
Parliament suggests YES * Low turnout referendum 0.4010*** (0.1113) 0.2956*** (0.1140)
Low turnout referendum −0.1201(0.1013) −0.0689(0.1014)
Counterproposal −0.2083(0.3073) −0.2979(0.3110) −0.4030***(0.0514)
Turnout −1.9731***(0.4562) −1.4259***(0.2443)
Constituency fixed effects YES YES YES YES YES
Decade fixed effects NO YES YES NO YES
DE Parliament suggests YES 45.9540 46.7379 46.5972 53.3954 53.5781
DE Parliament suggests YES * Number of referendaon the same day 9.2357 10.8994 10.9059
DE Parliament suggests YES * Low turnout referendum 7.1800 5.5651
Clustering Referendum Referendum Referendum Constituency Constituency
Sample restriction >1 referendum >1 referendum
Pseudo R2 0.2996 0.3312 0.3505 0.3485 0.3671
Brier 0.1925 0.1853 0.1808 0.1812 0.1765
No. obs. 14127 14127 13502 9961 9961

Notes: The dependent variable for all logit estimations is Constituency accepts referendum. Robust clustered standard error estimates for referenda (columns 1–3) and constituencies (columns 4–5) are reported throughout the table. An intercept is always included. DE denotes the discrete effects in the predicted probability. The discrete effects for Parliament suggests YES * Number of referenda on the same day, and Parliament suggests YES * Low turnout referendum represent changes in percentage points for the coefficients when all other variables are evaluated at their median values and the Number of referenda on the same day changes from one to three (columns 1–3), and Low turnout referendum changes from zero to one (columns 4–5). ***, **, and * indicate a mean significance level of below 1%, between 1 and 5%, and between 5 and 10%, respectively.