Figure 8. Effect of polydIdC and MgCl2 on in vitro BRET shift assay.
(A) Effect of polydIdC addition on RXR/PPARG2 and RXR/THR BRET assay. A BRET shift assay in PLB was performed in presence or absence of polydIdC (50 ng/µl) and effect on basal BRET and specific DNA RE induced BRET shift was measured for RXR-Luc and PPARG2-EYFP (**P<0.01; ***P<0.001), or RXR-Luc and THR-EYFP (#P<0.05; ###P<0.001), Statistical differences relative to control (TE) were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison post hoc test. (B, C and D) Effect of MgCl2 addition on BRET shift RXR/PPARG2, RXR/THR and RXR/RXR BRET assay. BRET shift experiments were carried out in Gel Shift Buffer (GSB) supplemented with 0, 2 or 5 mM of MgCl2. Calculation of the DR1/DR4 BRET shift ratio for RXR/PPARG2 (B), the DR4/DR1 BRET ratio for RXR/THR (C) and the DR1/DR4 BRET ratio for RXR/RXR (D), illustrated the higher specificity of BRET shift observed by increasing MgCl2 concentration. Histograms represent mean BRET value ± SD of at least 3 experiments in triplicate. Values represent BRET measures integrated over a 20 min reading.