Panel A: Computer-generated MosaiX processed images (Zeiss Axio Imager.M1; AxioVision Release 4.6.3) of Nissl stained paraffin-embedded brain sections from rats treated with saline, DHA, Alb or DHA-Alb. Saline-treated rats showed large cortical and subcortical infarction. Rats treated with DHA or Alb show less extensive damage, mostly in the subcortical area. In contrast, DHA-Alb treated rat shows a very small infarction, involving only subcortical region. Panel B: Cortical, subcortical and total infarct volumes in four groups. Total infarct volume was corrected for brain swelling. DHA-Alb treatment reduced cortical and total infarct volumes compared to corresponding Alb group. DHA and Alb treatment alone also reduced infarct volumes, but were not significantly different from saline and from each other. Values shown are means ± SEM., *P<0.05 #P<0.05 versus saline group; *P<0.05 DHA-Alb versus Alb group (repeated measures ANOVA followed by Bonferroni tests).