FIG. 2.
Effects of fWBI on body weight, growth hormone (GH) and IGF-I. Panel A: The mean (±SD) body weights of cohorts of rats surviving for 34 and 62 weeks are plotted. Panels B–E: Individual and mean values are plotted for sham and fWBI rats treated at 3 months of age (open and closed squares, respectively) or at 18 months of age (open and closed circles, respectively) and analyzed at 34 (gray) or 62 weeks (black) after completion of fWBI. Panel B: Total GH isolated from the pituitary. Panel C: Total pituitary protein. Panel D: Total GH normalized to total protein. Panel E: Plasma levels of IGF-I. *P < 0.001 and **P < 0.05 vs. sham control; #P < 0.001 and ##P < 0.05 comparing sham-irradiated control rats treated at 3 and 18 months of age (aging related change).