Table 3.
Content and psychometrics of the measurement instruments (questionnaire)
Measured characteristics or constructs | Measurement instrument | Answer categories or scales | α 1 | |
Socio-demographics |
Age |
Gender |
Male/Female |
Educational level |
Low/High |
Disease-related characteristics |
Age at diagnosis |
0 years/1–5 years/6–12 years/13–16 years |
Treatment type |
Pre-dialysis/Haemodialysis/Peritoneal dialysis/Kidney transplantation/ |
Other | ||||
Limitations in mobility |
Medical outcomes Study (MOS) 6-Items Short Form Health Survey [42] |
3-point scale: 1 = severely limited/2 = somewhat limited/3 = not limited at all |
.78 |
Self-management and social participation |
General self-efficacy |
10-item General Self-Efficacy Scale [43] |
4-point Likert scale: 1 = not right/2 = hardly right/3 = somewhat right/4 = totally right |
.71 |
Disease-related self-efficacy |
16-item2 On Your Own Feet Self-Efficacy Scale (OYOF-SES) [44] |
4-point Likert scale:1 = yes certainly/2 = yes probably/3 = no probably not/4 = no, definitely not |
.90 |
Health-related quality of life |
37-item European DISABKIDS condition generic questionnaire (DCGM-37) [45] with six domains: independence (I), social inclusion (SI), social exclusion (SE), emotion (E), physical (P), medication (M); and a general score (range: 0–100) |
5-point Likert scale: 1 = often/2 = quite often/3 = sometimes/4 = almost never/5 = never |
I: .86 |
SI: .70 | ||||
SE: .85 | ||||
E: .81 | ||||
P: .46 | ||||
M: .79 | ||||
Social participation |
Rotterdam Transition Profile (RTP) [46] with seven life areas: school/work, finances, (independent) living, (intimate) relationships, leisure, and mobility |
Four transition (to adulthood) phases (0–3)3 |
na4 |
Camp COOL | Influence of living with the condition |
10 items Effects of CC Scale See Additional file 1. |
5-point Likert scale: 1 = completely disagree/2 = disagree/3 = somewhat agree/4 = agree/5 = completely agree |
.92 |
Value of peer-to-peer (i.e. buddy-to-attendee) support |
Value of peer-to-peer support (2 items for buddies and 2 items for attendees) See Additional file 1. |
5-point Likert scale: 1 = completely disagree/2 = disagree/3 = somewhat agree/4 = agree/5 = completely agree |
Overall liking score for CC | 10-point Visual Analogue Scale: 1 = lowest possible liking/10 = highest possible liking |
1α = Cronbach’s Alpha.
2This instrument originally consists of 17 items assigned to knowledge, coping and skills for hospital consultations. However, one item about expecting to be ready for the transfer to adult care was deleted, because it did not apply to our full sample.
3Young persons in phases 0 and 1 are still fully dependent on adults, e.g. parents, or display typical child behaviour. Young persons in phase 2 experiment with adult behaviour or orient to it. Phase 3 refers to full autonomy in participation. Because we were interested in successful transition to adulthood, the phases were dichotomised as follows: 0 = phases 0–2, 1 = phase 3.
4Construct validity was established in a previous study [45].