Association of frequent HLA-DR/DQ haplotypes in Etoa with antibody levels
HLA-DR/DQ haplotypea | Result for antigen(s)
AMA1 | RAP1 | RAP2 | MSA2, MSP1-190L, and MSP119 | |
DRB1*1503, DQB1*0602 | NSb | NS | NS | NS |
DRB1*1301, DQB1*03032 | NS | NS | NS | NS |
DRB1*03011, DQB1*02 | NS | NS | 0.11, SE = 0.048, P = 0.020c | NS |
DRB1*0701, DQB1*02 | NS | NS | NS | NS |
DRB1*0102, DQB1*0501 | NS | NS | NS | NS |
DRB1*1201, DQB1*0501 | 0.17, SE = 0.065, P = 0.009c | NS | NS | NS |
DRB1*1101, DQB1*0602 | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Haplotypes are listed in order of frequency.
NS, nonsignificant (estimated coefficient <0.05, P > 0.15).
Estimated difference in mean OD value between individuals with the indicated haplotype and those without the haplotype, followed by the estimated SE of difference.