Table 3.
Tier 3 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 1 |
Factors randomised in field phase | Factors unrandomised in field phase | Factors unrandomised in laboratory phase |
Cultivar |
Field block |
Day |
Field row |
Plate |
Field column |
Plate plota |
Plate row |
Plate column |
aPlate plot refers collectively to the four consecutive wells used for a single sample. The aim of this stage in the analysis process is to identify the objects involved in the randomisation and then to determine the factors associated with each set of objects; these groups of factors are referred to as tiers. Here the factors form the non-genetic sources of information from the experimental design elements of the field and laboratory phases. Following Brien [12] the tiers are labelled in reverse chronological order of conduct of the experiment.