Figure 3.
Genomic context and amino acid sequence of SACE_5599. A) Chromosomal locus of SACE_5599. Genes located close to SACE_5599 and their putative functions are indicated. SACE numbers are indicated above the arrows. SACE_5596 encodes a hypothetical protein with no similarity to other proteins in sequence databases. The position of SACE_5599 in S. erythraea genome is schematically represented. The »core« region is marked with bold grey line and the »non-core« region with thin black line. B) Sequence of the 219 amino acid ORF of SACE_5599 with peptides detected in proteomic analysis underlined, conserved tryptophan residues marked in bold and the position of alternative translation start (184 aa variant) is shaded in grey.