FIG. 6.
Effects of Stx1 and/or LPS on IL-1β mRNA stability in THP-1 cells. Differentiated THP-1 cells were treated and analyzed as described in the legend to Fig. 5 except that IL-1β- and GAPDH-specific probes were used. (a) Representative Northern blots probed with 32P-labeled IL-1β- and GAPDH-specific cDNA probes. (b) Mean log intensities of percent IL-1β mRNA remaining ± standard errors of the means (error bars) from three independent experiments. Values that were significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) are indicated as follows: *, a significant difference between the values for cells treated with Stx1 plus LPS and LPS alone; #, a significant difference between the values for cells treated with Stx1 and LPS.