Figure 9.
Vertebrate genome analysis reveals G to A hypermutations in lizard retrotransposons. LINE and LTR subfamily sequences in zebrafish (Danio rerio (DR)) and lizard (Anolis carolinensis (AC)) genomes were screened for G to A DNA editing using pairwise alignment to find clusters of G to A mismatches. C to T clusters were used as a negative control, while mouse IAP retrotransposons, where editing has previously been detected [58], served as a positive control. Editing rates are summed and presented per family. (A) The number of edited retrotransposons with G to A or C to T clusters in each family. (C) The number of edited sites in each family. Panel (B) presents the data from (A), normalized by the number of sequences in each retrotransposon family. Panel (D) presents the data in (C), normalized by the number of base pairs in each family. Results were produced with the P-value and threshold parameters set to 10–8 and 8, respectively.