Protocol Development Goals
To establish multicenter networks for basic, translational, epidemiologic, and clinical research
Leverage and integrate existing networks, consortia, organizations and agencies
Align investigators and institutions with established research interests
Promote ongoing research activities
To help address key issues
Access to new agents
Trial design, statistical challenges
Central lab monitoring for novel endpoints and biomarkers
Data collection and reporting
Biorepository Establishment Goals
To facilitate the establishment of a network of biorepositories for the collection of samples before and after HSCT to aid in laboratory and clinical studies
To promote the collection of human samples
Pre- and post- transplant malignant cells
Blood at set time points post-transplant and at relapse
To establish standards for collection, storage, utilization and distribution
To help coordinate investigators and institutions with established repositories
Disease-Specific Response and Relapse Definitions and Monitoring Goals
To refine, implement and study proposed definitions for disease-specific response and relapse and for monitoring of MRD
To incorporate sensitive evaluation methods into clinical trials
Determine clinical relevance of MRD surveillance in specific diseases
Assess the impact of interventional strategies after detection of MRD
To work towards increased data collection, standardization and reporting specifically related to relapse after HSCT