Table 1.
Demographic, Cognitive, and Clinical Assessments in Participants with AN and Healthy Comparison Participants
Category | Assessment |
M (SD) |
AN Time
1 M (SD) |
HC vs AN
Time 1 (p) |
Time 2 M (SD) |
AN Time 1
vs 2 (p) |
Demographics | Age, yrs. | 24.8 (5.4) |
24.4 (5.5) |
NS | 23.6 (5) |
- |
Education, yrs. | 14.8 (1.9) |
14.1 (2.1) |
NS | - | - | |
Body Mass Index |
25 (4.7) |
15.7 (2) |
<.001* | 20.2 (1.2) |
<.001* | |
AN Subtype | - | R=57.7%, BP=42.3% |
- | - | - | |
Comorbid Depressive Disorder |
- | 19.2% | - | - | - | |
Antidepressant Use |
- | 46.2% | - | 60% | - | |
Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder |
- | 15.4% | - | - | - | |
Cognitive Assessments |
WAIS-Full Scale IQ |
112.3 (11.9) |
109.7 (10.9) |
NS | 116.8 (10.3) |
<.001* |
WAIS-PRI-IQ | 110.2 (15.3) |
105 (11.3) |
NS | 110.2 (8.8) |
<.001* | |
WAIS-VCI-IQ | 110.5 (8.2) |
111 (15.4) |
NS | 113.5 (14) |
NS | |
Stroop Interference T- score |
55 (6.7) |
55.7 (7.1) |
NS | 56.8 (4.7) |
NS | |
CPT Perseveration Score |
50 (6.8) |
49.3 (5.7) |
NS | 51.1 (11.7) |
NS | |
WCST Perseverative Errors |
5.2 (1.7) |
6.2 (3) |
NS | 4.5 (1.4) |
<.05 | |
Clinical Assessments |
Eating Attitude Test |
2.9 (3.6) |
44.1 (13.9) |
<.001* | 12.1 (11.3) |
<.001* |
EDI – Risk Composite Score |
109.7 (11) |
152 (19.5) |
<.001* | 125.8 (19) |
<.001* | |
YBC-EDS | 0.3 (1) |
23.4 (5.6) |
<.001* | 7.8 (5.1) |
<.001* | |
HDRS | 1.3 (1.5) |
15.5 (7.3) |
<.001* | 4.2 (3) |
<.001* | |
HARS | 1.3 (1.7) |
17.3 (10) |
<.001* | 4.6 (3.5) |
<.001* |
Note. HC= Healthy comparison participants. AN= participants with Anorexia Nervosa. Time 1=first assessment time-point during the starvation phase of AN. Time 2=second assessment when weight has been restored in AN. Independent t-tests were used to compare AN participants and healthy comparison participants at Time 1. Paired t-tests were used to compare AN individuals at Time 1 (starvation phase) versus Time 2 (weight restoration phase). NS=non-significant p-value. P-values represented in the table reflect raw, uncorrected values. To account for multiple comparison tests, a corrected p-value threshold was set at p<.004 (p=.05 /number of comparisons; Time 1: AN vs. healthy comparison participant, 14 comparison tests; AN: Time 1 vs. 2, 12 comparison tests). Tests that surpassed this corrected threshold are starred. AN Subtype: R= restricting subtype, BP=binge-purge subtype. Comorbid Depressive Disorder=Presence of comorbid major depression diagnosis. Antidepressant Use= percentage of participants currently using antidepressants. Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder=percentage of participants with comorbid borderline personality disorder. WAIS-PRI-IQ: Perceptual Reasoning Index. WAIS-VCI-IQ=Verbal Comprehension Index. CPT= Continuous Performance Test. WCST= Wisconsin Card Sort Task. EDI= Eating Disorder Inventory. YBC-EDS=Yale-Brown-Cornell Eating Disorder Scale. HDRS=Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. HARS= Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale.