Table 1.
Baseline characteristics of participantsa
Intervention (N=19,541) | Comparison (N=29,294) | |
Number (%) | Number (%) | |
Age | ||
50–59 | 7206 (36.9) | 10792 (36.8) |
60–69 | 9083 (46.5) | 13632 (46.5) |
70–79 | 3252 (16.6) | 4870 (16.6) |
Race/ethnicity | ||
White | 15871 (81.2) | 23891 (81.6) |
Black | 2135 (10.9) | 3127 (10.7) |
Hispanic | 751 (3.8) | 1094 (3.7) |
American Indian | 88 (0.5) | 114 (0.4) |
Asian/Pacific Islander | 431 (2.2) | 674 (2.3) |
Unknown | 265 (1.4) | 394 (1.3) |
Education | ||
Less than high school diploma or GED | 4267 (21.8) | 6468 (22.1) |
Some school after high school diploma | 7712 (39.5) | 11597 (39.6) |
College degree or higher | 7446 (38.1) | 11044 (37.7) |
Body-mass index (kg/m2) | ||
<25 | 5072 (26.0) | 7587 (25.9) |
25 to <30 | 6944 (35.5) | 10452 (35.7) |
≥30 | 7442 (38.1) | 11125 (38.0) |
Smoking status | ||
Never | 9918 (50.8) | 15029 (51.3) |
Past | 8121 (41.6) | 11979 (40.9) |
Current | 1273 (6.5) | 1977 (6.7) |
NSAID use | ||
Yes | 6316 (32.3) | 9796 (33.4) |
No | 13224 (67.7) | 19498 (66.6) |
Total vitamin D intake, IUb | ||
<200 IU | 7763 (39.7) | 11892 (40.6) |
200 to <400 IU | 3986 (20.4) | 5787 (19.8) |
400 to <600 IU | 4454 (22.8) | 6602 (22.5) |
≥600 IU | 3226 (16.5) | 4892 (16.7) |
Total energy intake, kcal | ||
<1296 | 4820 (24.7) | 7327 (25.0) |
1296 to <1677 | 4924 (25.2) | 7226 (24.7) |
1677 to <2150 | 4879 (25.0) | 7267 (24.8) |
≥2150 | 4807 (24.6) | 7353 (25.1) |
Percent energy from total fat, % | ||
<33.8 | 4892 (25.0) | 7109 (24.3) |
33.8 to <36.9 | 4885 (25.0) | 7536 (25.7) |
36.9 to <40.8 | 4752 (24.3) | 7285 (24.9) |
≥40.8 | 4901 (25.1) | 7243 (24.7) |
Total fat Intake, grams | ||
<52.4 | 4828 (24.7) | 7322 (25.0) |
52.4 to <69.0 | 4897 (25.1) | 7265 (24.8) |
69.0 to <91.2 | 4893 (25.0) | 7243 (24.7) |
≥91.2 | 4812 (24.6) | 7343 (25.1) |
Total vegetable and fruit servings/day | ||
<2.3 | 5013 (25.7) | 7500 (25.6) |
2.3 to <3.3 | 4696 (24.0) | 7090 (24.2) |
3.3 to <4.6 | 4755 (24.3) | 7104 (24.3) |
≥4.6 | 4966 (25.4) | 7479 (25.5) |
Total grain servings/day | ||
<3.0 | 4789 (24.5) | 7250 (24.7) |
3.0 to <4.3 | 5096 (26.1) | 7407 (25.3) |
4.3 to <5.9 | 4727 (24.2) | 7029 (24.0) |
≥5.9 | 4818 (24.7) | 7487 (25.6) |
Regional solar radiation, langleysc | ||
300–325 | 5661 (29.0) | 8512 (29.1) |
350 | 3801 (19.5) | 5701 (19.5) |
375–380 | 2292 (11.7) | 3435 (11.7) |
400–430 | 3398 (17.4) | 5088 (17.4) |
475–500 | 4381 (22.4) | 6548 (22.4) |
Total outdoor walking energy expenditure, METs/week | ||
0 | 6714 (34.4) | 9817 (33.5) |
≤3.5 | 3791 (19.4) | 5790 (19.8) |
3.6–7.0 | 3341 (17.1) | 5114 (17.5) |
>7. | 3661 (18.7) | 5532 (18.9) |
History of cancerd | ||
Yes | 853 (4.4) | 1286 (4.4) |
No | 18688 (95.6) | 28008 (95.6) |
History of melanoma | ||
Yes | 122 (0.6) | 170 (0.6) |
No | 19419 (99.4) | 29124 (99.4) |
History of nonmelanoma skin cancer | ||
Yes | 1264 (6.5) | 1996 (6.8) |
No | 18277 (93.5) | 27298 (93.2) |
Hormone therapy use | ||
Never used | 8072 (41.3) | 12102 (41.3) |
Past user | 2813 (14.4) | 4181 (14.3) |
Current user | 8639 (44.2) | 12979 (44.3) |
Hormone Therapy intervention assignment | ||
Not randomly assigned | 16359 (83.7) | 24426 (83.4) |
Active | 1587 (8.1) | 2496 (8.5) |
Placebo | 1595 (8.2) | 2372 (8.1) |
Calcium/Vitamin D intervention assignment | ||
Not randomly assigned | 9896 (50.6) | 13729 (46.9) |
Active | 4767 (24.4) | 7827 (26.7) |
Placebo | 4878 (25.0) | 7738 (26.4) |
Percentages may not total 100% because of missing data.
From diet and supplements
Based on the mean annual amount of sunlight reaching the clinic site as measured by the US Weather Bureau; 1 langley = 1 g-cal/cm2
History of cancer (cancers diagnosed more than 10 years before enrollment) is defined as any cancer except nonmelanoma skin cancer
GED = general equivalency diploma; MET = metabolic equivalent tasks