Therapeutic efficacy and safety of intraganglionic AAV-encoded CBD3 in SNI-induced neuropathic pain. Left panels show the time courses for the group averages of sensitivity to innocuous punctate mechanical stimulation (von Frey, a), hyperalgesia behavior after touch with a pin (Pin, b), and sensitivity to acetone stimulation (Cold, c) before and after DRG injection of either AAV6-EGFP (filled circle, b=7) or AAV6-EGFP-CBD3 (open square, n=7). Injection of AAV vector into the fourth and fifth lumbar DRGs was performed immediately after the baseline (BL) behavioral determinations, and spared nerve injury (SNI) was performed immediately after the week 2 determinations. Right panels show averaged area under the curve calculated for each individual for the time period following SNI for von Frey (d), pin (e) and cold (f). Results are means±s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 for comparisons to BL (a–c) and for comparisons between groups (d–f).