Figure 3.
(A) Schematic drawing of an mAb-coupled fluorescent-magnetic-biotargeting multifunctional nanobioprobes (FMBMN). Flurescent-magnetic bifunctional NPs were covalently coupled with avidin. They were then coated with biotinylated goat anti-mouse IgG (Fc specific) via the biotin-avidin interaction. Mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) was then attached to the NPs via the binding to the goat antibody. (B, C) Fluorescence microscopic images of anti-CD3 mAb-coupled red nanobioprobes (B) and anti-PSMA mAb-coupled yellow nanobioprobes (C). Here each fluorescent dot came from single mAb-coupled FMBMN containing multiple QDs. Reproduced with permission from Ref. 16. Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society.