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. 2013 Dec 17;(31):21–61. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.31.6251
1 Leaves consistently palmately-lobed
2 Leaves of mature trees with three lobes, sometimes 5 in juvenile condition
3 Infructescence subglobose, with stout styles 4–6 mm long, curved; seeds with circular flange 1. Liquidambar acalycina
3’ Infructescences globose, with fine styles 7–10 mm long, coiled; seeds with a terminal wing 7. Liquidambar formosana
2’ Leaves of mature trees with more than 3, mostly 5 lobes, sometimes more than 5 lobes present
4 Infructescences with narrow style bases (up to 18 mm wide); areas between fruits appearing as a smooth rim 11. Liquidambar orientalis
4’ Infrutescences with broad style bases (up to 30 mm wide); areas between adjacent fruits appearing braided 14. Liquidambar styraciflua
1’ Leaves variable, mostly unlobed or varying to lobed within a single branch
5 Leaves tri-nerved, mostly palmately-lobed, seldom unlobed 5. Liquidambar chingii
5’ Leaves penninerved, strictly unlobed
6 Infructescences obconical with 5-8 fruits, base of the infructrescence with a prominent “skirt”
7 Leaves coriaceous, 2–3 cm wide, glossy above; margin entire, less often serrate; fruits up to 2 cm broad 8. Liquidambar gracilipes
7’ Leaves chartaceous, 3–4 cm wide, dull above; margin serrate; fruits broader than 3 cm 13. Liquidambar siamensis
6’ Infructescences mostly subglobose, with 10–30 fruits, base of the infructescence lacking a “skirt”
8 Leaves glossy above, margins distinctly revolute upon drying; endemic to Cambodia 2. Liquidambar cambodiana
8’ Leaves dull above, margins not curled; of broader distribution in southeast Asia
9 Petioles 0.5–1.2 cm long
10 Leaves elliptical 4. Liquidambar chinensis
10’ Leaves obovate
11 Leaf base acute, apex obtuse, lateral veins 8–10, conspicuous beneath 10. Liquidambar obovata
11’ Leaf base subcordate to rounded, base acute, lateral veins 5–6, not prominent beneath 12. Liquidambar poilanei
9’ Petioles 2–5 cm long
12 Leaves chartaceous 6. Liquidambar excelsa
12’ Leaves coriaceous
13 Leaves 4–7 cm long, apex caudate, petioles slender, 1–1.5 mm thick; infructescences 1–2 cm broad 3. Liquidambar caudata
13’ Leaves 8–13 cm long, apex acute, petioles stout, 2–3 mm thick; infructescences 2–3 cm broad 15. Liquidambar yunnanensis