Fig. 3.
αβγ-βTM2 channels display a reduced response to shear stress. A: laminar shear stress (LSS)-mediated activation of wild-type (top) or αβγ-βTM2 channels (bottom). Vertical flow was initiated at t = 30 s. At the end of experiment, 5 μM benzamil were added to the bath. (B) The magnitude of channel activation by LSS was assessed as the benzamil-sensitive Na+ current (iLSS)/basal benzamil-sensitive current (Ibasal) value. The peak response of the iLSS following the initiation of LSS was normalized to the Ibasal before initiation of LSS. C: time constants of current increase (τ-values) were obtained as previously described (41). τ-Values were determined by fitting the first 40 s of current increase following the initiation of LSS. *P < 0.001, statistically significant differences between αβγ-channels and αβγ-βTM2 channels, as determined by Student's t-test (n = 11 for each group).