Fig. 1.
Foot inhibition of bladder overactivity induced by 0.25% acetic acid (AA) irritation before duloxetine treatment. A: cystometrogram (CMG) pressure traces during saline or AA infusion with and without foot stimulation. The infusion rate was 2 ml/min. The solid bars under the bladder pressure traces represent the duration of stimulation. The foot stimulation threshold was defined as the minimal intensity to induce observable toe twitch. 2T and 4T, two and four times the threshold intensity (T). Stimulation: 5 Hz, 0.2 ms; T: 11 V. B: summarized bladder capacity under different CMG conditions (n = 8 cats). Foot stimulation: 5 Hz, 0.2 ms; T: 4–15V. *Significant difference compared with the AA control before stimulation (by one-way ANOVA).