Fig. 1.
Single unit extracellular recordings of CO2-stimulated and unstimulated raphé serotonin-synthesizing (5-HT) neurons in situ. Recordings from a single CO2-stimulated raphé neuron show a firing frequency of 0.26 Hz during exposure to 5% CO2 (A), a 92% increase in firing frequency (to 0.51 Hz) with exposure to 9% CO2 (B), and recovery with return to baseline conditions (C). Recordings from a single unstimulated raphé neuron show firing frequencies of 0.70 Hz during exposure to 5% CO2 (D), 0.67 Hz during exposure to 9% CO2 (E), and 0.72 Hz during recovery normocapnia (F). Firing frequency and regularity analysis indicated these to be putative 5-HT neurons.