The structures of the spinal cord and blood vessels, rear projection, are made up of various layers but are continuous. However, it is usually ignored when the tissue where the tension is observable is in an unbalanced condition, as in the case when a scar is present, the cells cannot properly interpret the message, giving consequent anomalous responses. Reproduced with permission Anastasi et al. AA VV, Anatomia dell’uomo, 4 ed, Edi.ermes, Milano [Human anatomy].114
Notes: 1, superior articular process; 2, inferior articular process; 3, subdural space; 4, septum posterior; 5, upper spinal vessels; 6, subarachnoid space; 7, spinous process; 8, posterior lateral sulcus; 9, posterior median sulcus; 10, anterior root motor; 11, sensory posterior root; 12, interradicular septum; 13, denticulate ligament; 14, spinal pia mater; 15, spinal arachnoid; 16, spinal dura mater; 17, the anterior branch of the spinal nerv; 18, posterior branch of the spinal nerve; 19, spinal vertebral artery branch; 20, spinal ganglion; 21, branches of the spinal vertebral vein; 22, posterior internal vertebral venous plexus; 23, epidural fat; 24, epidural space.