(A) Co-injection of the pBT2QUAS:dtomato-4xnrUAS:GFP dual reporter with QF (pT2Kubb QF) and Gal4 (pT2KEF1 Gal4) driver constructs results in mosaic labeling, with some cells expressing dTomato, GFP, or both fluorescent proteins (white arrowheads, 2 dpf, lateral view). (B) dTomato labeled motoneuron (white arrowhead) and (C) GFP labeled hindbrain neuron (white arrowhead) in the same 3 dpf larva, following injection of the dual reporter plasmid into a Tg(mnx1:QF)/+; Tg(ptf1:Gal4)/+ doubly transgenic embryo.