Figure 7.
RGS14 immunolabeling is transiently expressed in postnatal mouse neocortex. Low, medium, and high magnification views of coronal hemisections from P7, P14, P21, and adult wild-type mouse brain immunoperoxidase labeled with an anti-RGS14 antibody. RGS14 immunoreactivity is highest at P14 in neocortical layers II/III and V, and staining is localized to soma and apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons (F). Immunostaining is less intense at P21 (G–I) and is undetectable in adults (J–L). Dashed boxes indicate regions magnified in subsequent micrographs to the right. Arrows indicate immunolabeled neurons. Scale bars = 1.0 mm in A (applies to D,G,J); 200 µm in B (applies to E,H,K); 50 µm in C (applies to F,I,L).