Figure 10.
NAM co-treatment increases NAD levels and rescues antitumor effects of NAMPT inhibition in vivo. (A) PC3 tumor xenografts were treated (Rx) orally for 5 days with vehicle control, NAM (twice daily), GNE-617 (once daily), or the combination of both agents at the doses indicated. (B–D) PC3 tumor xenografts (n = 5 per group) were treated (Rx) orally for 5 days with vehicle control, NAM, GNE-617, or the combination of both agents at the doses indicated, and tumors (B and C) or blood (D) was harvested 1 hour after the final dose for NAD (B) and NAM (C and D) measurements by LC-MS/MS as described in Materials and Methods section. Comparisons between treated groups and control (vehicle) were determined by Dunnett method: ***P < .0001. Comparisons between treatment groups were performed using unpaired t test assuming unequal variances: ##P < .001, ###P < .0001.