Fig. 1.
Responses of individuals with schizophrenia to selected items prior to genetic counseling. (a) Estimated risk of recurrence of schizophrenia to a specific family member vs concern about familial recurrence. (b) Estimated risk of recurrence by qualitative description of risk. (c) All perceived possible causes of their schizophrenic illness. (d) Self-blame vs perceived personal contribution to their schizophrenic illness. See Methods section for item details. Cause coding key: 1 = Stress of worry, 2 = Hereditary—it runs in my family, 3 = A germ or virus, 4 =Diet or eating habits, 5 = Chance or bad luck, 6 = Bad parenting, 7 = Pollution in the environment, 8 = Own behavior, 9 = Negative thinking, 10 = Family problems, 11 = Overwork, 12 = Alcohol, 13 = Genetics—genes and DNA, 14 = Drug use, 15 = Bad life choices, 16 = Childhood trauma, 17 = Head injury, 18 = Something that happened during pregnancy or at birth, 19 = Other.