Fig. 4.
Immunohistochemistry of NT and eNOS in proximal aorta from Group 1, Group 3, and Group 4. There was no positive NT staining in Group 1. HNGF6A treatment to ApoE-deficient with HC (Group 4) showed weaker NT staining in the plaques than ApoE-deficient with HC (Group 3). (A) Bar=100µm. *P <0.05. eNOS was expressed in endothelial layer of Group 1, Group 3, and Group 4. eNOS staining in ApoE-deficient with HC (Group 3) was weaker than C57BL/6 with normal diet (Group 1). HNGF6A treatment to ApoE-deficient with HC (Group 4) restored the eNOS staining. (B) Bar = 200 µm. #P < 0.01 between 3 groups.