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. 2013 Dec 25;4(4):618–635. doi: 10.4338/ACI-2013-08-RA-0058
Number Category Question
1 Introduction Based on your experience and knowledge, please tell me how you would define an antibiotic-microorganism mismatch or bug-drug mismatch?
  • How do you determine if there is a mismatch?

2 Transition Does antimicrobial resistance factor into your decision when you are creating an antibiotic plan or assisting with a plan?
  • Are you concerned about resistance?

  • Are you more likely to order broad-spectrum antibiotics?

3 Key Think back to the last time you ordered an antibiotic. What type of data did you need to complete the antibiotic plan (other than microbiology results) and where did you go for the information?
  • Medication information from a pharmacy knowledge base? Literature?

4 Key In your opinion, what type of information should an antibiotic-microorganism mismatch alert provide? What should it check?
  • Updated culture results?

  • Suggest alternative antibiotic therapy?

5 Key In your opinion, what type of features would you like to see in an antibiotic-microorganism mismatch alert?
  • Timeline of ordered antibiotics?

  • Possible antibiotic resistance risk factors?

  • Relevant literature about an organism or antibiotic?

6 Key Think back to the last time you ordered an antibiotic for a patient. Why did you order the antibiotic and would you describe the steps you took to order the drug?
  • Was the decision based on culture results?

  • Once you made a decision to order the drug, what did you do next?

7 Key Do you have any final suggestions for us to consider?
8 Key What are the problems with the current method of prescribing antibiotics?