In vivo
brain glucose uptake. (A) Aging decreases in vivo brain glucose uptake. (A) Coronal view of the brain (the intensity is expressed as maximal uptake per slice) in young (4–7-month-old female Wistar rats), old (22–24-month-old female Wistar rats), and young ovariectomized rats (3 weeks after ovariectomy). (B) Brain glucose (FDG) metabolism is expressed as SUV. Data are expressed as mean±SD of six different experiments. The statistical significance is expressed as *p<0.05 versus control; **p<0.01 versus control; (B) Brain glucose uptake in vivo in ovariectomized rats (3, 6, and 9 weeks after ovariectomy) and estradiol replacement for 3 weeks immediately, or 3 and 6 weeks after, ovariectomy. (A) Coronal view of the brain (the intensity is expressed as maximal uptake per slice). (B) Brain glucose (FDG) metabolism is expressed as SUV. Data are expressed as mean±SD of six different experiments. The statistical significance is expressed as*p<0.05 versus control; **p<0.01 versus control; ###p<0.05 versus OVX 3. SUV, standardized uptake value.