Unvaccinated control diet (RBD−, RRV−, solid black circles) and unvaccinated regional basic diet (RBD+, RRV−, solid grey triangles) weanling mice were vaccinated with placebo on DOL 21. Vaccinated control diet (RBD−, RRV+, open black circles) and vaccinated regional basic diet (RBD+, RRV+, open grey triangles) weanling mice were vaccinated with RRV DOL 21. A) Sera anti-RV IgG, B) sera anti-RV IgA, C) stool anti-RV IgA, D) sera total IgG, E) sera total IgA, and F) stool total IgA. Serum and stool were collected one day before EDIM challenge (week 6). N = 19 to 24 mice per group. Error bars represent standard error. (***P<0.001, **P<0.01, *P<0.05)