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. 2014 Jan 8;42(6):1772–1790. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyt154

Table 3.

Hazard rate ratios of cause specific deaths across categories of lifetime pattern of alcohol use among men participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

Exclusive categories of pattern of alcohol use
Cause of death Nevera Former light to moderated Former heavye Lightf Below rec. limitsg Light to moderated Occasionally heavye Heavye P for trendh
Person-years 21 087 41 918 16 108 39 168 490 252 477 358 212 821 24 645
    Deaths N = 1755 43 103 48 92 665 502 278 24
        HRi 1.39 1.45 2.49 REF 1.01 1.05 1.34 1.26 0.001
        (95% CI) (0.95; 2.02) (1.06; 1.98) (1.71; 3.62) (0.79; 1.28) (0.82; 1.35) (1.03; 1.75) (0.78; 2.04)
        HRj 1.25 1.18 1.66 REF 0.90 0.86 0.92 0.77 0.462
        (95% CI) (0.85; 1.83) (0.86; 1.61) (1.13; 2.42) (0.71; 1.15) (0.67; 1.11) (0.70; 1.20) (0.48; 1.25)
    Deaths N = 1506 36 103 46 86 484 443 277 31
        HRi 1.13 1.59 2.31 REF 0.80 0.92 1.26 1.66 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.76; 1.69) (1.16; 2.19) (1.57; 3.41) (0.62; 1.03) (0.71; 1.19) (0.96; 1.66) (1.07; 2.59)
        HRj 1.00 1.28 1.62 REF 0.72 0.76 0.91 1.10 0.007
        (95% CI) (0.68; 1.49) (0.93; 1.77) (1.10; 2.40) (0.56; 0.92) (0.59; 0.98) (0.69; 1.20) (0.70; 1.71)
Alcohol-related cancerm
    Deaths N = 901 9 37 41 19 248 282 224 41
        HRi 0.98 2.06 6.78 REF 1.20 1.53 2.83 5.68 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.42; 2.30) (1.13; 3.75) (3.77; 12.2) (0.73; 1.97) (0.92; 2.53) (1.70; 4.71) (3.11; 10.4)
        HRj 0.90 1.77 5.02 REF 1.10 1.28 2.05 3.82 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.38; 2.09) (0.98; 3.20) (2.80; 8.99) (0.67; 1.81) (0.78; 2.11) (1.23; 3.40) (2.09; 6.97)
Other neoplasmsn
    Deaths N = 3422 54 157 82 99 1168 1089 692 81
        HRi 1.24 1.64 2.63 REF 1.17 1.27 1.81 2.26 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.88; 1.74) (1.25; 2.15) (1.93; 3.58) (0.94; 1.45) (1.02; 1.58) (1.44; 2.27) (1.65; 3.10)
        HRj 1.17 1.41 1.80 REF 1.10 1.09 1.32 1.49 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.83; 1.64) (1.08; 1.85) (1.32; 2.45) (0.88; 1.36) (0.88; 1.36) (1.05; 1.66) (1.09; 2.04)
Respiratory causeo
    Deaths N = 517 13 33 24 40 183 131 83 10
        HRi 1.24 1.25 4.09 REF 0.84 0.95 1.44 2.21 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.63; 2.42) (0.74; 2.11) (2.28; 7.33) (0.56; 1.25) (0.62; 1.44) (0.91; 2.27) (1.03; 4.76)
        HRj 1.04 0.86 2.35 REF 0.70 0.68 0.87 1.16 0.091
        (95% CI) (0.54; 2.00) (0.51; 1.45) (1.30; 4.23) (0.47; 1.05) (0.45; 1.04) (0.55; 1.39) (0.53; 2.57)
Digestive causep
    Deaths N = 240 6 17 11 11 69 62 58 6
        HRi 1.26 1.89 3.93 REF 0.76 0.89 1.95 2.34 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.46; 3.47) (0.81; 4.42) (1.61; 9.60) (0.39; 1.50) (0.44; 1.79) (0.96; 3.95) (0.81; 6.71)
        HRj 1.07 1.52 2.74 REF 0.71 0.73 1.37 1.51 0.001
        (95% CI) (0.39; 2.95) (0.66; 3.48) (1.10; 6.80) (0.36; 1.37) (0.37; 1.47) (0.68; 2.79) (0.53; 4.30)
External causeq
    Deaths N = 500 14 23 11 17 128 160 135 12
        HRi 1.91 1.48 1.68 REF 0.70 0.93 1.69 1.36 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.94; 3.91) (0.76; 2.89) (0.76; 3.74) (0.41; 1.20) (0.54; 1.58) (0.98; 2.91) (0.63; 2.94)
        HRj 1.85 1.36 1.42 REF 0.69 0.89 1.53 1.19 <0.001
        (95% CI) (0.91; 3.76) (0.69; 2.68) (0.63; 3.21) (0.41; 1.19) (0.52; 1.53) (0.88; 2.67) (0.55; 2.59)
Other causer
    Deaths N = 888 19 59 29 43 237 255 211 35
        HRi 1.98 2.72 4.03 REF 0.74 1.00 2.05 4.98 <0.001
        (95% CI) (1.10; 3.54) (1.73; 4.27) (2.40; 6.76) (0.52; 1.06) (0.70; 1.44) (1.41; 2.97) (3.02; 8.21)
        HRj 1.80 2.41 3.12 REF 0.73 0.93 1.60 3.54 <0.001
        (95% CI) (1.00; 3.24) (1.53; 3.80) (1.84; 5.30) (0.51; 1.05) (0.64; 1.34) (1.09; 2.35) (2.13; 5.88)

CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HR, hazard rate ratio; REF, reference; rec., recommended.

a Report of no use of alcohol at all points in time (age 20, 30, 40, 50 and at enrolment).

b Report of alcohol use in the past but not at the time of enrolment.

c Report of use of alcohol at past points in time and at the time of enrolment.

d ≤60 g/d.

e >60 g/d.

f ≤2 g/d.

g ≤24 g/d (American Heart Association; World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research; National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse).

h P for trend across HR of death in lifetime alcohol users employing median alcohol use at the time of enrolment

i Joint Cox proportional hazard model, stratified by age and centre.

j Joint Cox proportional hazard model, as i and adjusted for body mass index, height, waist circumference, intake of fruits, vegetables, red meat and meat products, dietary fibre, physical activity, education and smoking.

k I20–I25.

l I00–I99 excl. I20–I25.

m C01–C06, C09–C15, C18–22; C32.

n C00–D48 excl. C01–C06, C09–C15, C18–22; C32.

o J00-J99.

p K00-K93, excl. K292, K70, K860.

q S00-T98, V01-Y98.

r All causes excl. I00–I99; C00–D48; J00-J99; K00-K93, excl. K292, K70, K860; S00-T98, V01-Y98; and unknown causes.