Fig. 4.
Locations of bacterial transposons within T-DNA in transgenic rice plants. (A) Structure of T-DNA and positioning of Tn5393. (B) Sequences at junctions between T-DNA and Tn5393. Underlined sequences (5–6 bp) are target duplications by Tn5393 insertion. (C) IR-R of Tn5393 was linked to another bacterial transposon, Tn5563, in Line 2D-00597. GUS, β-glucuronidase; HPH, hygromycin phosphotransferase; pUC18, plasmid pUC18; pTub, promoter of OsTubA1; tTub, terminator of OsTubA1; Tub int, first intron of OsTubA1; 4X 35S En, 4-fold transcription enhancer of CaMV 35S.