Figure 3.
Proteolytically active papain induces migration of total CD86highCD11c+ cells as well as dermal dendritic cells into the draining LN. (a) Total live CD11c+ cells and total CD86highCD11c+ cells in the popliteal LN 22 hours post subcutaneous footpad immunization with HSA, CpG, heat inactivated papain (H.I.P.) or papain. Cell numbers were calculated by multiplying percentage of indicated cell type by total live cells. Error bars indicate s.e.m., n=2-6 per group, p>0.05. (b) Dermal DCs migrate preferentially in response to CpG and papain. Panels are gated on live, CD11c+, CD8α- cells, percentages indicate gated percentage of total live CD11c+ cells. Graphs and percentages are representative of multiple experiments (n>3).