Scheme 2.
The kinetic model of hERG gating was based on that of Wang et al (1997). Cx, O, and I represent closed states, open state, and inactivated state, respectively. The transitions between Co and C1, C2 and O, and O and I are voltage-dependent, with rate constants calculated as shown: αa0(V) = αao(0)*exp(zaoVF/RT); βa0(V) = βao(0)*exp(zboVF/RT); αa1(V) = αa1(0)*exp(za1VF/RT); βa1(V) = βa1(0)*exp(zb1VF/RT); αi(V) = αi(0)*exp(zaiVF/RT); and βi(V) = βi(0)*exp(zbiVF/RT). αx(V) and αx(0) are forward (or rightward according to the model) rate constants at voltages of V and 0 mV, respectively, and zax is the equivalent gating charge involved in the gating transition. βx(V), βx(0), and zbx are the corresponding parameters for the backward or leftward transitions. The transition between C1 and C2 is voltage-independent, with forward and backward rate constants of κf and κb, respectively. F, R, and T, are the Faraday constant, the gas constant, and absolute temperature, respectively.