Fetal brain at 23 weeks of gestation (normal male; 46, XY karyotype) with bilateral subependymal heterotopia, ventriculomegaly and cerebellar asymmetry. Coronal (2a) and axial (2b,2c) T2-weighted magnetic resonance images at the level of the lateral ventricles of the fetal brain show hypointense nodules in the ventricular wall corresponding to heterotopic gray matter (black arrows) (2a,2c), ventriculomegaly (white arrowhead) (2a, 2c) and cerebellar asymmetry (black arrowhead) (2b). A coronal section of the fetal brain obtained for the neuropathological examination confirmed the presence of nodular subependymal heterotopia (2d). (1.5T Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Protocol: TR 1000 msec; TE 149 msec; thickness 3 mm).