Skin calcifying lesions (seborrheic keratosis, inclusion cysts) |
T1WI: hypointense cystic component.
T2WI FS: hyperintense cystic component.
T1 C.E.: rim enhancement when inflammation is present.
Fibrocystic changes (usual ductal hyperplasia, adenosis, apocrine metaplasia) |
Circumscribed lobulated low density mass with pleomorphic calcifications.
Clustered pleomorphic, punctate or amorphous calcifications without mass.
T1WI: cysts typically isointense to parenchyma.
Variable signal when cysts contain proteinaceous or hemorrhagic fluid.
T2WI FS: hypointense to hyperintense signal due to the content of the cysts.
T1C.E. FS: possible smooth rim enhancement of cysts when inflamed.
Scattered and diffuse foci (< 5 mm) of enhancement.
Lobular neoplasia |
Amorphous calcifications.
Spiculated mass or architectural distortion.
Multifocal/multicentric lesions.
Papilloma |
Intraductal mass near nipple with lobulated margins.
Dilated ducts around the lesion.
Internal vascularity on Doppler analysis.
Fibroadenoma |
T2WI FS: isointense with parenchyma or moderately hyperintense when myxoid.
T1 C.E. FS: oval or lobulated mass showing generally rapid, homogeneous intense enhancement.
Fat necrosis |
Round, oval or lobulated radiolucent mass.
Pleomorphic calcifications.
Spiculated or irregular mass.
Anechoic/irregular hypoechoic/complex cystic/solid mass.
Posterior shadowing once fibrosis and calcifications develop.
Internal flow may be seen up to 6 months after surgery due to granulation tissue.
T1WI: high signal.
T2WI FS: low signal with fat suppression.
T1 C.E. FS: thin rim of peripheral enhancement may persist up to 18 months post-surgery.
Rarely contrast enhancement may persist for years.
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) |
Dense mass with spiculated/lobulated margins.
Focal asymmetric mass/distortion.
Clustered irregular, branched, pleomorphic calcifications.
Irregular hypoechoic mass with posterior shadowing.
“Taller than wide”.
Architectural distortion with/without hyperechoic halo
Rarely lobulated, rounded hypoechoic nodule.
T2WI FS: usually hypointense focal mass if visible. Central necrosis can be hyperintense.
T1 C.E. FS: usually rapid and intense enhancement.
May show rim enhancement, internal enhancing septations and rapid washout.
Pilomatrixoma |