Comparison of MRI-determined thickness and biophysical parameters among genotypes in individual layers, where layer I = epidermis, layer II = papillary and reticular dermis, layer III = extended lower dermal layer in oim genotypes, and layer IV = fat layer. (* p <0.05 between genotypes). a) Individual skin layer thickness, measured as a % of the total skin layer. There was no difference in thickness of layer I among genotypes. Layer II was significantly reduced in the oim/+_and oim/oim mice compared to the +/+ mice, and in the oim/oim compared to the oim/+ mice. Layer III was significantly thicker in the oim/oim mice compared to the oim/+ mice. b) The highest T2 values for all genotypes were seen in the hypodermal fat layer IV. T2 values for the oim/+_mice were significantly higher than those for the +/+ in layers I, II and IV, and significantly higher than those for the oim/oim in layers II, III and IV. Further, the oim/oim values were significantly higher than the +/+ values in layers II and IV. c) There were no significant differences in measured kMT (s#x02212;1) values among the three genotypes within each layer.