Figure 4.
A. Cortical regions where change in cortical thickness was associated with change in FSIQ (FWE < 0.05). B. Scatter plot for the relation between IQ changes and CTh changes at the peak vertex (inferior pre-central gyrus; r = 0.33, p < 0.001). Participants are color-coded based on the magnitudes and directions of their changes in FSIQ scores in relation to the 90% confidence interval around mean change in FSIQ). C. Changes in cortical thickness at the same peak vertex represented in panel B, separately for each group of change in IQ: ‘increase’ (N=58), ‘no change’ (N=92), and ‘decrease’ (N=38). T1 = time 1. T2 = time 2. * p < 0.005. ** p < 0.001.