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. 2014 Jan 13;9(1):e84725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084725

Table 1. Morphometric data of pancreatic islets in SDG-R and SDG-P mice.

Pancreas Islet β Cell α Cell
Weight (mg) Density (%) Density (%) Mass (mg) Density (%) Mass (mg)
Before HFDa
SDG-R 134±9 0.68±0.08 0.59±0.06 0.77±0.09 0.091±0.022 0.12±0.03
SDG-P 155±5 0.68±0.08 0.60±0.06 0.93±0.09 0.076±0.018 0.12±0.03
After HFDb
SDG-R 207±9††† 0.92±0.08 0.85±0.08 1.77±0.22†† 0.072±0.011 0.15±0.02
SDG-P 302±28*,††† 1.12±0.15 1.08±0.15 3.52±0.70**,†† 0.039±0.004** 0.13±0.02

Mean ± SEM (n = 5–6).

a Five weeks of age.

b Ten weeks of age.

*p<0.05, **p<0.01, versus SDG-R mice at the same age.

p<0.05, ††p<0.01, †††p<0.01, versus before HFD feeding in the same line of mice.