Number of ZnFs units sequenced, number of Prdm9 ZnF arrays sequenced and number of protein variants are indicated for each species or subspecies of Primates, Muridae and Equids. Variant amino-acids at each of the three positions −1, 3 and 6 of the PRDM9 ZnFs are shown for each group. Variants present in every allele sequenced are in bold case and variants found in less than 10% of ZnF units are in grey case (all in normal case when one allele is available). Some variants at position −1 and position 3 are shared by most species (highlighted in yellow), others are shared by one taxon (highlighted according to the colour of the taxon). Hs: Homo sapiens; Pp: Pan paniscus (bonobo); Pt: Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee); Ptt: P. T. troglodytes; Ptv: P. T. verus; Pts: P. T. schweininfurthii; Gg: Gorilla gorilla; Hol: Holobylatae; Nl: Nomascus leucogenys (Gibbon); Cerc: Cercopithecidae; Mm: Macaca mulata (Rhesus monkey); Calli: Callitrichidae; Cj: Callithrix jacchus (Ouistiti); Gal: Galagidae; Og: Otolemur garnettii (Lemur); Mm: Mus musculus; Mmd: Mus musculus domesticus; Mmm: M. m. musculus; Mmc: M. m. castaneus; Msp: Mus spretus; Mm/s: Mus macedonicus and spicigelus; Mpy: Mus Pyromys platythrix; Mfa: Mus famulus; As: Apodemus sylvaticus; Pl: Peromyscus leucopus; Rn: Rattus norvegicus; Ef: Equus ferus; Ea: Equus asinus; Eh: Equus hippotigris. Data was gathered for Mus ZnFs from this study, for Homo sapiens ZnFs from [10], [12], [20], [23] for Pan ZnFs from [22], [79], for Equids from [80] and retrieved from GenBank for other individual alleles (Gg, Nl, Mm, Cj, Og, Apos, Perol, Rn).