Fig. 6. Charm score, Chrom score and copy number alterations: correlation analysis.
The correlation analysis (Pearson’s correlation) of the Charm scores for TSGs (CharmTSG, A–B), OGs (CharmOG, C), essential genes (CharmEss, D) and combinations of these classes (CharmTSG-OG-Ess and CharmTSG-OG, E–F) and the corresponding Chrom scores (ChromTSG-OG and ChromTSG-OG-Ess, G–H) in relationship to the arm- or chromosome-level deletion or amplification frequency. The Charm scores refer to a weighted density of TSGs, OGs or essential genes present on each chromosome arm, where each gene is weighted based on its rank position within the list of predicted TSGs and OGs ranked by TUSON Explorer. The Chrom score is the equivalent of the Charm score for whole chromosome SCNAs. Also see Supp. Figs. 4&5 and Supp. Table 6.