A: Proteins extracted from brains of wild-type (WT), RanBP9 single transgenic (Ran), APΔE9 double transgenic (Dbl) and APΔE9/RanBP9 triple transgenic mice (Tpl) of 3, 4, 5 and 6-months of age were homogenized in RIPA buffer and subjected to SDS electrophoresis and subsequently probed with anti-oligomer antibody, A11. B: For quantification of oligomers by image j, the data from WT and RanBP9 single transgenic mice were not considered since the levels were insignificant. Protein levels were normalized to actin and data expressed as percentage change. Student’s t-test analysis revealed significant increase in oligomer levels only at 6-months of age. Data are ±SEM, n = 3 for each of WT and Ran and 4 for each of APΔE9 and APΔE9/RanBP9 genotypes. ***, p<0.001 in the APΔE9/RanBP9 mice compared to APΔE9 mice.