Figure 7.
The dynamin inhibitor Dyngo-4a impairs the linear mode of membrane retrieval. IHCs in acute explants of P14–P17 organs of Corti were patch clamped in ruptured-patch configuration. A, Grand average of depolarization-evoked exocytic ΔCm (top) and integrated Ca2+ influx (bottom) of IHCs treated with 30 μm of the dynamin inhibitor Dyngo-4a (gray) or its inactive variant Dyngo-8a (black), applied via the patch pipette. The numbers at each point indicate the number of cells used for the average. B, C, Grand average of ΔCm measurements using 20 ms (B) or 200 ms (C) depolarizing stimuli from IHCs treated with Dyngo-4a (gray) or Dyngo-8a (black). D, Average time of Cm return to baseline obtained from fitting a linear function to the first 20 s of Cm data after the end of the 20 ms depolarizing pulses summarized in B. E, Average slope of the linear component of exocytosis for 20 ms depolarizing pulses (left, obtained by fitting a linear function to the first 20 s of postdepolarization Cm data) and 200 ms depolarizing pulses (right, obtained by fitting a linear function to the final 5 s of Cm data). F, G, Average amplitudes (F) and time constants (G) of exponential functions fitted to the data summarized in C after subtracting the linear decrease in Cm during the final 5 s of the recording.