Figure 1.
Association of MSRV transcription levels with MS diagnosis and clinical evolution. A) MSRV relative expression* was higher in MS patients (n = 112) compared to controls (n = 68) (U-Mann–Whitney; p = 0.004). B) MSRV relative expression* correlated with clinical forms (Spearman’s rho; p = 3*10-4). MSRV relative expression* in BD (n = 68) vs. RR patients (n = 81) (U-Mann–Whitney; p = 0.005), RR vs. SP patients (n = 15) (U-Mann–Whitney; p = 0.108) and BD vs SP patients (U-Mann–Whitney; p = 0.005). C) Correlation of MSRV relative expression* and MSSS score in women (n = 60) (Spearman’s rho = 0.34; p = 0.017). Subjects were randomly selected. *MSRV Relative Expression = 2e-∆∆Ct = 2e-((Ct MSRV – Ct GUSB)sample-Mean (Ct MSRV – Ct GUSB)Blood Donors).