Figure 1.
Results from assays related mainly to platelet count and function. These results give an overall impression of normo- or hypercoagulability. Shaded areas indicate the normal ranges. Platelet count, ROTEM®-FIBTEM®-maximum clot firmness (taken to be a quantitative measure of blood fibrinogen concentration) and Multiplate® adenosine diphosphate-area under curve (a measure of platelet activity) all correlated significantly to the length of time after surgery (p<0.05, r=0.89, 0.76 and 0.49 respectively). ROTEM®-EXTEM-maximum clot firmness, an overall measure of the extrinsic pathway, neither increased nor decreased with time after operation while ROTEM®-(EXTEM minus FIBTEM®)-maximum clot firmness significantly negatively correlated to time after operation (p<0.05, r=−0.89). The latter measure is often taken to be a measure of platelet function but here its decrease would appear to be due to increasing fibrinogenemia rather than weaning platelet function. *: significant correlation p<0.05. ADP: adenosine diphosphate. AUC: area under curve. MCF: maximum clot firmness. N/S: no significant correlation.