(a) Summary of the apoptosis pathway in Drosophila. The DIAP1 antagonists, reaper, hid and grim are induced by diverse apoptotic stimuli, such as in response to the overexpression of mutant Rh-1G69D or p53. These genes were overexpressed during eye development using either the eye-specific GMR promoter (b–m), or the wing-specific vg-Gal4 line (n, o), either in backgrounds of cdk7+(b–g, n), or in a cdk7S164A,T170A (h–m, o). As a control, the cell cycle inhibitor p21 was overexpressed through the GMR promoter (g, m). (p–t) Gamma-ray-induced caspase activation is suppressed in a cdk7S164A,T170A background. Larval eye imaginal discs were labeled with anti-cleaved caspase antibody (white) to assess cell death. Shown are non-irradiated discs (p, r), gamma-ray irradiated wild type discs (q), and gamma-ray irradiated cdk7S164A,T170A discs (s). Quantification of caspase activation is shown in (t).