Figure 3. Sorafenib inhibits angiogenesis and Tongxinluo capsule promotes angiogenesis in the TMA.
(a1) The representative images of lung tissue blood vessels in the untreated group on the 9th day; a2–a4: lung tissue vessels in the sorafenib-treated group on the 9th day; (a2) 20 nM, (a3) 100 nM, (a4) 500 nM. Vessels grew normally in control group; vessels in the sorafenib (20, 100, 500 nM)-treated group exhibited the slowly increase compared with the control group. Bar = 500 μm. (b1) The representative images of lung tissue blood vessels in the untreated group on the 5th day; b2–b4: lung tissue vessels in the sorafenib-treated group on the 9th day; (b2) 1 h serum, (b3) 2 h serum, (b4) 3 h serum. (c) Quantification of microvessels numbers in sorafenib treated group with the increased days. (n = 3) (d) Quantification of vessels length in sorafenib treated group along with the time prolonged. Data were expressed as mean values ± SEM. (n = 7). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 versus the control group. (e) Quantification of microvessels numbers in Tongxinluo capsule treated group with the increased days. (n = 3) (f) Quantification of vessels length in Tongxinluo capsule treated group along with the time prolonged. Data were expressed as mean values ± SEM. (n = 7). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 versus the control group.