Effects of low cholesterol on verbal memory performance. TC and LDL cholesterol levels were split into two groups (Low and Hi) at the median (TC median=172.5 mg/dL; LDL median=93 mg/dL). Only verbal task accuracy was significantly different between Low and Hi TC or LDL groups (i.e., spatial task accuracy did not differ between groups). In the bottom portion of the table LDL levels were split into groups according to the cholesterol guidelines set by the NCEP. LDL values less than 100 mg/dL is considered “Optimal” while values between 100–129 mg/dL are “Near/Above Optimal.” In general, higher cholesterol levels are associated with better performance on the verbal memory tasks. Mean TC levels for the Low and Hi groups were 143.5 mg/dL and 192.5 mg/dL, respectively. Mean LDL levels for Low and Hi groups were 73.1 mg/dL and 117.0 mg/dL, respectively.