Characterization of hERG1 expression in TG mice. (A) Analysis of hERG1myc expression by RT-PCR in colon–rectum of WT mice (left bar), hERG1-EGFPFloxed mice (white bars), and hERG1-EGFPFloxed-Cre mice (black bars), respectively from 801, 883, and 886 transgenic line. Data, each carried out in triplicate, are reported as the mean ± SEM and were calibrated to the expression levels determined in the colon–rectum of WT mice. (B) An immunohistochemical analysis was carried out in colon–rectum of control and TG mice, using an anti-hERG1 monoclonal antibody, as detailed in Material and Methods, to evaluate hERG1 expression and confirm the presence of the transgene. Magnification 400×, bar: 20 μm; inset: 200× magnification, bar: 50 μm.