AAA | anterior amygdaloid area | MPN | medial preoptic nucleus |
ac | anterior commissure | mt | mammillothalamic tract |
ADP | anterodorsal preoptic nucleus | och | optic chiasm |
AHA | anterior hypothalamic area | opt | optic tract |
AHNa | anterior hypothalamic nucleus, anterior part | PaAP | paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior parvicellular |
AHNc | anterior hypothalamic nucleus, central part | PaMP | paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, medial parvicellular |
AHNp | anterior hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part | PaPo | paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior |
ARC | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus | PH | posterior hypothalamic nucleus |
AVP | anteroventral preoptic nucleus | PM | premammillary nucleus |
BMA | basomedial amygdaloid nucleus | PT | parataenial thalamic nucleus |
BSTad | bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anterodorsal | PV | periventricular hypothalamic nucleus |
BSTav | bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anteroventral | PVN | paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus |
BSTif/v | bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, interfascicular and ventral |
PVT | paraventricular thalamic nucleus |
BSTpr | bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, principle | RCH | retrochiasmatic area |
cc | corpus callosum | Re | reuniens thalamic nucleus |
CeA | central amygdaloid nucleus | RT | reticular thalamic nucleus |
DMH | dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus | SCH | suprachiasmatic nucleus |
DMHa | dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, anterior | SI | substantia innominata |
DMHp | dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, posterior | SM | stria medullaris |
DMHv | dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventral | 3V | third ventricle |
F | fornix | Tub | tuberal nucleus |
int | internal capsule | VM | ventromedial thalamic nucleus |
LHA | lateral hypothalamic area | VMH | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus |
LPO | lateral proptic area | VMHa | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, anterior part |
LS | lateral septum | VMHc | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, central part |
MA | magnocellular preoptic nucleus | VMHdm | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part |
MeA | medial amygdaloid nucleus | VMHvl | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventolateral part |
MePO | median preoptic nucleus | VRe | reuniens thalamic nucleus, ventral part |
MPO | medial preoptic area | ZI | zona incerta |