(A) Representative images of metaphase and anaphase cells from the Spc24-VC, Spc25-VN, and Spc24-Venus strains. The middle panel displays the possible Spc24/Spc25 dimer species. Box plot displays the relative BiFC and Venus fluorescence intensities (M, metaphase; A, anaphase). Inset shows the structure of the globular domain of the Spc24/25 dimer with the labeled carboxyl termini (green circles). The maximum attainable BiFC to Venus ratio in each case is indicated by the green dotted line.
(B) Representative images of metaphase and anaphase cells from the Cse4-VC/Cse4-VN and Cse4-Venus strains. Comparison of the Cse4-BiFC signal with the signal from a haploid strain expressing Cse4-Venus.
The box plots display the median with a red line, the 25th and 75th percentiles by the edges of the box, and the most extreme data points by the whiskers. Outliers are plotted individually. Note that the integration time and excitation intensity was lowered for Spc24/25 measurements. Hence, intensities should not be compared between the Cse4 and Spc24/25 panels.